Oct 12, 2010

Why Working People need to Oppose Republicans


Maybe it is about time that people explain what the consequences are of a republican leadership in the US.

- Kids receiving even worse education
- Health care only for those who can afford it
- Outsourced military
- More outsourced law enforcement
- More jobs to low wage countries and receive tax refunds for it
- You being able to buy more goods for low prices at WM, but not having the money to buy it
- More debt
- More religious bigotry in every day politics, not freedom of religion but freedom to convert others.
- More isolation of the outside world
- More people living in poverty

Yep, I would vote for that, lets be honest the first 8 years of this decade have been so good for the US and let alone what the rest of the world has seen of the divine leadership of the US.

The Obama administration might not have done what people hoped it would, which is not surprising, since the mess it really inherited. And please stop this idiocy of calling a liberal a socialist or even a communist, if you really don't even have a clear idea what it actually means. And if you do mean this it only means that the GOP is extreme right or even populist, since the Dems relate more to conservative governments around the world then the GOP.

But by all means vote GOP, but you might turn out the light for the leadership torch because nobody will take you seriously.

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