May 22, 2010

Banksters are allowed to loan shark with free Fed Money

The creeps in the Senate (not one Republican voted to end usury and 21 Democrats went along with them) did nothing to cap interest rates on credit cards. Think about that for a minute. The US Government bailed out a bunch of criminal bankers and gave them practically no interest loans. The bankers devastated of our economy. Yet we let them charge usury-as rates on credit cards. People are struggling. Credit cards can keep you afloat for while.

It get's better. The credit rating agencies score you on the percentage of your credit line you use. So they are lowering peoples credit ratings who have an unblemished record of payments because the banksters cut your credit line. Because the banksters trashed our economy by their incompetence. But the US Government opens the Fed window to criminal bankers who are insolvent and give practically no interest loans.

I used to be against the death penalty. I changed my mind. I think it has a place in financial crimes that destroy so many lives. Large banks are weapons of mass destruction. Rather than hatin on that black man, look at Goldie Sachs and Jp Morgan and ask yourself how many people they have killed day in and day out. It may be the frog in the slow heating frying pan, but they kill every day.

Politicians who enable them need to be held to the same standard as someone who supported a terrorist organization.

1 comment:

Bring Back FDR said...

You are right, but work to fight against them.

Do you think Fox News is Fair and Balanced?