May 22, 2010

Where is that Dick Cheney on the Gulf Oil Spill ?

Where is the Cheney Family now? No where to be seen on TV! Liz and her Daddy are vacationing in the South of France and somehow devoid of Fox News these days.

Don't forget when Cheney became Vice President, he received a $34 million dollar check from Haliburton. It was during the eight years as VP, that Dick rewrote oil regulation standards. You Dicks in the Republican party don't forget that when you criticise Obama's corruption. Cheney is now hidden away from Public view becauuse he knows its too obvious. Have a shrimp on the barbie you tricky but terrorizing Dick?

How ironic this terrorist family does more damage than anything Al Qaeda can dream of, yet is adored by the Hannity and Beck followers.

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