May 9, 2010

Last Republican Revolution in 1995 What happened?

Anyone who thinks Fox and Republicans are the holy grail for the American Worker?

Campaign Finance Money flows into Corporatist coffers... The system is corrupt.

Just ask Jack Abramoff and Tom Delay...

Lets go back in time when we had another Democratic President who triangulated populism and caused a Tea Party. Ah...1995 Remember Newt Gingrich, Jack Abramoff, Karl Rove and Tom Delay?

Turning capitalism loose, Using American Tax dollars to relocate American factories and allowing these Asian Factories to put "MADE in AMERICA"!

What happened? These factories eventually moved to even cheaper slave labor in China. And the American taxpayer was screwed again.

If you think Fox News and the Republicans give a dang about American Workers, you may just be naive or even worse, el stupido!

Abramoff is in jail but expect Tom Delay and Gingrich to make returns after 2010. Replace the Democratic Corporatists like Blanche Lincoln and Mary Landreaux with true progressives who care about our children and their future.

There's more:

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